, Semigroup
, Functor
, Traversable
, Apply
, Chain
, Applicative
, Monad
Identity a
is a crock
that can be used to wrap a common interface around existing JavaScript types and functions. It maintains integrity by lifting and applying functions and types as is, without adding any additional structure or effects. By not applying and additional structure to existing functions,Identity
can be swapped in and out for other Functor
s that do apply their own structure and effects.
import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
//=> Identity 10
, Semigroup
, Functor
, Traversable
, Apply
, Chain
, Applicative
, Monad
Identity :: a -> Identity a
The constructor for an Identity
is a unary function. When a value is passed in an Identity
of the given value is returned ready for map
or chain
import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
const fromComputerCode = String.fromCharCode
//=> Identity '*'
Identity.of :: a -> Identity a
is used to construct an Identity
with any given value. It is there to allow Identity
to work as a pointed functor.
import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
//=> Identity 42
//=> Identity true
Identity a ~> b -> Boolean
Used to compare the underlying values of two Identity
instances for equality by value, equals
takes any given argument and returns true
if the passed arguments is an Identity
with an underlying value equal to the underlying value of the Identity
the method is being called on. If the passed argument is not an Identity
or the underlying values are not equal, equals
will return false
import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
import equals from 'crocks/pointfree/equals'
//=> true
//=> false
// by value, not reference for most types
Identity({ a: 86, b: true })
.equals(Identity({ a: 86, b: true }))
//=> true
equals(Identity(95), 95)
//=> false
equals(Identity([ 2, 3 ]), Identity([ 2, 3 ]))
//=> true
Identity s => Identity s ~> Identity s -> Identity s
When an underlying value of a given Identity
is fixed to a Semigroup
can be used to concat another Identity
instance with an underlying Semigroup
of the same type. Expecting an Identity
wrapping a Semigroup
of the same type, concat
will give back a new Identity
instance wrapping the result of combining the two underlying Semigroup
import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
import Sum from 'crocks/Sum'
import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
import concat from 'crocks/pointfree/concat'
import flip from 'crocks/combinators/flip'
import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
import mapReduce from 'crocks/helpers/mapReduce'
import valueOf from 'crocks/pointfree/valueOf'
// empty :: Identity Sum
const empty =
// sumList :: [ * ] -> Identity Number
const sumList = compose(
mapReduce(compose(Identity, Sum), flip(concat), empty)
Identity([ 34 ])
.concat(Identity([ 92 ]))
//=> Identity [ 34, 92 ]
sumList([ 3, 4, 5 ])
//=> Identity 12
Identity a ~> (a -> b) -> Identity b
Used to apply transformations to values you've lifted into an Identity
, map
takes a function that it will lift into the context of the Identity
and apply to it the wrapped value. Identity
contains no behavior and will do nothing more than apply the value inside the Identity
to the function.
import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
const prod = a => b => a * b
const mapDouble = map(prod(2))
//=> Identity 10
Identity (a -> b) ~> Identity a -> Identity b
allows for values wrapped in an Identity
to be applied to functions also wrapped in an Identity
. In order to use ap
, the Identity
must contain a function as its value. Under the hood, ap
unwraps both the function and the value to be applied and applies the value to the function. Finally it will wrap the result of that application back into an Identity
. It is required that the inner function is curried.
import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
const prod = a => b => a * b
const double = prod(2)
//=> Identity 10
Apply f => Identity (f a) ~> (b -> f b) -> f (Identity a)
Applicative f => Identity (f a) ~> TypeRep f -> f (Identity a)
When an instance of Identity
wraps an Apply
instance, sequence
can be used to swap the type sequence. sequence
requires either an Applicative TypeRep
or an Apply
returning function to be provided for its argument.
can be derived from traverse
by passing it an identity
function (x => x
import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
import Maybe from 'crocks/Maybe'
import sequence from 'crocks/pointfree/sequence'
// seqId :: Identity Maybe a -> Maybe Identity a
const seqMaybe =
//=> Just Identity 42
Apply f => Identity a ~> (a -> f b) -> f (Identity b)
Applicative f => Identity a ~> (TypeRep f, (a -> f b)) -> f (Identity a b)
Used to apply the "effect" of an Apply
to a value inside of a Identity
combines both the "effects" of the Apply
and the Identity
by returning a new instance of the Apply
, wrapping the result of the Apply
s "effect" on the value in the Identity
requires either an Applicative TypeRep
or an Apply
returning function as its first argument and a function that is used to apply the "effect" of the target Apply
to the value inside of the Identity
. Both arguments must provide an instance of the target Apply
import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
import IO from 'crocks/IO'
import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
import isNumber from 'crocks/predicates/isNumber'
import traverse from 'crocks/pointfree/traverse'
import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
// someGlobal :: Number
let someGlobal = 10
// addToGlobal :: Number -> IO Number
const addToGlobal = x => IO(() => someGlobal + x)
// safeAddToGlobal :: a -> IO (Maybe Number)
const safeAddToGlobal = compose(
traverse(IO, addToGlobal),
ifElse(isNumber, x => x, () => NaN)
//=> Identity 42
//someGlobal => 42
//=> 42
//=> NaN
Identity a ~> (a -> Identity b) -> Identity b
Normally one of the ways Monad
s like Identity
are able to be combined and have their effects applied is through chain
. However Identity
is different because there are no effects to apply. chain
will simply take a function that returns Identity
and applies it to its value.
import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
import chain from 'crocks/pointfree/chain'
const prod = a => b => a * b
const doubleAsIdentity = compose(Identity, prod(2))
//=> Identity 42
chain(doubleAsIdentity, Identity(5))
//=> Identity 10
Identity a ~> () -> a
is used as a means of extraction. This function is used primarily for convenience for some of the helper functions that ship with crocks
. Calling valueOf
on an Identity
instance will return the value being contained.
import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
//=> 33
//=> 35
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