, Semigroup
, Functor
, Bifunctor
, Apply
, Chain
, Extend
Pair a b
allows the ability to represent two distinct values of different types. Much like how Either
is known as canonical Sum Type and defines the basis for all other Sum Types that ship with crocks
, Pair
is known as the canonical Product Type and also at the heart of all Product Types in crocks
As Pair
is a Bifunctor
, it can vary in each of the two types it represents. When used as a normal Functor
, Pair
will always have a bias for the far right or second value, matching the pattern of the other ADTs in crocks
. When mapped with a function, the function will only be applied to the second value, and will leave the first value untouched.
also provides the ability to use ap
and chain
, but in order to combine the resulting instances in a predictable, repeatable fashion the first values in the Pair
s must be Semigroup
instances of the same type. When applied, ap
and chain
will concatenate the Semigroup
s providing the result of the concatenation in the first position of the resulting Pair
A helpful benefit of the Bifunctor
aspects Pair
allows for defining parallel computations. There are many functions that ship with crocks
that allow for parallelization such as branch
, merge
. Using those helpers in conjunction with the ability tobimap
functions over a given Pair
s values.
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
import Sum from 'crocks/Sum'
import bimap from 'crocks/pointfree/bimap'
import branch from 'crocks/Pair/branch'
import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
import mreduce from 'crocks/helpers/mreduce'
import merge from 'crocks/pointfree/merge'
// negate :: a -> Boolean
const negate =
x => !x
// inc :: Number -> Number
const inc =
x => x + 1
// length :: Array -> Number
const length =
x => x.length
// divide :: Number -> Number
const divide =
(x, y) => x / y
Pair(76, false)
.bimap(inc, negate)
//=> Pair(77, true)
// average :: [ Number ] -> Number
const average = compose(
bimap(mreduce(Sum), length),
average([ 9, 77, 34 ])
//=> 40
, Semigroup
, Functor
, Bifunctor
, Apply
, Chain
, Extend
Pair :: (a, b) -> Pair a b
In order to construct a Pair
, two values of any type are required by the constructor. The types of the arguments can, and often do, vary. None of the constructors in crocks are curried by default, so both arguments must be provided at the same time in order to construct the Pair
Once both arguments are provided, the constructor will return a new Pair
instance with the first argument in the left portion and the second argument in the right position.
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
Pair(34, false)
//=> Pair Number Boolean
Pair(34, Pair(true, 'string'))
//=> Pair Number (Pair Boolean String)
Pair a b ~> c -> Boolean
Used to compare the underlying values of two Pair
instances for equality by value. equals
takes any given argument and returns true
if the passed arguments is a Pair
with an underlying values both in the first and second are equal to the underlying values in the first and second of the Maybe
the method is being called on. If the passed argument is not a Maybe
or the underlying values are not equal, equals
will return false
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
import equals from 'crocks/pointfree/equals'
Pair({ num: 33 }, 'string')
.equals(Pair({ num: 33 }, 'string'))
//=> true
Pair({ num: 33 }, 'string')
.equals(Pair({ num: 10 }, 'string'))
//=> false
Pair({ num: 33 }, 'string')
.equals(Pair({ num: 33 }, 'different'))
//=> false
equals(Pair([ 1, 2 ], ''), [ 1, 2 ])
//=> false
Semigroup s, t => Pair s t ~> Pair s t -> Pair s t
When both underlying values of a given Pair
are fixed to a Semigroup
, concat
can be used to concatenate another Pair
instance with underlying Semigroup
s of the same type and structure. Expecting a Maybe
wrapping a Semigroup
of the same type, concat
will give back a new Pair
instancewrapping the result of combining the underlying Semigroup
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
import Maybe from 'crocks/Maybe'
import Sum from 'crocks/Sum'
import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
import concat from 'crocks/pointfree/concat'
import fanout from 'crocks/Pair/fanout'
import flip from 'crocks/combinators/flip'
import getProp from 'crocks/Maybe/getProp'
import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
import mapReduce from 'crocks/helpers/mapReduce'
import option from 'crocks/pointfree/option'
Pair(Sum(3), [ 3 ])
.concat(Pair(Sum(10), [ 10 ]))
//=> Pair( Sum 13, [ 3, 10 ] )
// Person :: { name: String, age: Number }
// peeps :: [ Person ]
const peeps = [
{ name: 'Haskell', age: 82 },
{ name: 'Heinrich', age: 81 },
{ name: 'Maria', age: 93 }
// mapProp :: (String, (a -> b)) -> Object -> Maybe b
const mapProp = (key, fn) =>
compose(map(fn), getProp(key))
// Combined :: Pair (Maybe [ String ]) (Maybe Sum)
// splitPerson :: Person -> Combined
const splitPerson = fanout(
mapProp('name', x => [ x ]),
mapProp('age', Sum)
// empty :: Combined
const empty =
Pair(Maybe([]), Maybe(Sum.empty()))
// combine :: [ Person ] -> Combined
const combine = mapReduce(
.bimap(option([]), option(Sum(0)))
//=> Pair( [ "Haskell", "Heinrich", "Maria" ], Sum 256 )
Pair c a ~> (a -> b) -> Pair c b
Used to apply transformations to values to the second portion of a given Pair
instance. map
takes a function that it will lift into the context of the Pair
and apply to it second value in the Pair
, returning a new Pair
instance. The new instance will contain the result of mapping in the second, leaving the value in the first untouched. If you need to map the first value, bimap
can be used instead.
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
import merge from 'crocks/pointfree/merge'
import objOf from 'crocks/helpers/objOf'
// length :: String -> Number
const length =
x => x.length
// add10 :: Number -> Number
const add10 =
x => x + 10
// keyedLength :: Pair String String -> Object
const keyedLength =
compose(merge(objOf), map(length))
Pair('number', 32)
//=> Pair("number", 42)
Pair('text', 'This is some text')
//=> { text: 17 }
Pair a b ~> ((a -> c), (b -> d)) -> Pair c d
The types and values that make up a Pair
can vary independently in both the first and second portions of the Pair
. While map
can be used to apply these transformations, bimap
allows for independent transformations on both sides, in parallel.
takes two mapping functions as its arguments. The first function is used to map the first, while the second maps the second. Pair
only provides a means to map the second's value exclusively using map
. If the need arises to map the first portion exclusively, use bimap
passing the mapping function to the first argument and an identity
to the second.
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
import Sum from 'crocks/Sum'
import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
import bimap from 'crocks/pointfree/bimap'
import branch from 'crocks/Pair/branch'
import identity from 'crocks/combinators/identity'
import merge from 'crocks/pointfree/merge'
import mreduce from 'crocks/helpers/mreduce'
// add10 :: Number -> Number
const add10 =
x => x + 10
// divide :: (Number, Number) -> Number
const divide =
(x, y) => x / y
// length :: [ Number ] -> Number
const length =
x => x.length
// average :: [ Number ] -> Number
const average = compose(
bimap(mreduce(Sum), length),
Pair(35, 'number')
.bimap(add10, identity)
//=> Pair( 45, 'number' )
average([ 2, 3, 4 ])
//=> 3
Semigroup s => Pair s (a -> b) ~> Pair s a -> Pair s b
Short for apply, ap
is used to apply a Pair
instance containing a value on its second portion to another Pair
instance that contains a function in its second portion. The result of this application provides a new Pair
instance containing the result in the second portion. ap
requires that it is called on an instance that wraps a curried polyadic function in the second.
An additional constraint when using ap
is that the Pair
must contain a Semigroup
instance in its first. This is required for both the Pair
with the function and the Pair
with the value to be applied. With both Semigroups
being of the same type.
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
import liftA2 from 'crocks/helpers/liftA2'
// add :: Number -> Number -> Number
const add =
x => y => x + y
// NumberRec :: Pair [ Number ] Number
// twentyThree :: NumberRec
const twentyThree =
Pair([ 23 ], 23)
// seventySeven :: NumberRec
const seventySeven =
Pair([ 77 ], 77)
// combine :: NumberRec -> NumberRec -> NumberRec
const combine =
// Pair( [ 23, 77 ], 100 )
combine(twentyThree, seventySeven)
// Pair( [ 23, 77 ], 100 )
Semigroup s => Pair s a ~> (a -> Pair s b) -> Pair s b
Combining a sequential series of transformations that allows for custom accumulation in addition to transforming a value. chain
requires a Pair
returning function that contains a Semigroup
in its first position. As anadditional requirement, is that instances of the same Semigroup
must occupy the first position of the source Pair
and the Pair
returned by the function.
const Pair = require('crocks/Pair')
const setProp = require('crocks/helpers/setProp')
const omit = require('crocks/helpers/omit')
// addTmp :: (String, a, Object) -> Pair [ String ] Object
const addTmp = (key, value, x) =>
Pair([ key ], setProp(key, value, x))
// add :: Object -> Pair [ String ] Object
const add = data => {
const { a, b } = data
return addTmp('sum', a + b, data)
// multiply :: Object -> Pair [ String ] Object
const multiply = data => {
const { a, b } = data
return addTmp('product', a * b, data)
// calc :: Object -> Object
const calc = data => {
const { product, sum } = data
return setProp('result', product - sum, data)
// flow :: Object -> Object
const flow = x =>
Pair([], x)
flow({ a: 34, b: 76 })
//=> { a: 34, b: 76, result: 2474 }
flow({ a: 10, b: 5 })
//=> { a: 10, b: 5, result: 35 }
Apply f => Pair a (f b) ~> (c -> f c) -> f (Pair a b)
Applicative f => Pair a (f b) ~> TypeRep f -> f (Pair a b)
When an instance of Pair
wraps an Apply
instance in its second position, sequence
can be used to swap the type sequence. sequence
requires either an Applicative TypeRep
or an Apply
returning function is provided for its argument.
While it is not a requirement that the first position be occupied by a Semigroup
, in having an instance there sequencing back on a data structure with multiple items can allow for accumulation then sequencing back.
can be derived from traverse
by passing it anidentity
function (x => x
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
import Sum from 'crocks/Sum'
import bimap from 'crocks/pointfree/bimap'
import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
import concat from 'crocks/pointfree/concat'
import flip from 'crocks/combinators/flip'
import mapReduce from 'crocks/helpers/mapReduce'
import sequence from 'crocks/pointfree/sequence'
// pair :: Pair Number [ String ]
const pair =
Pair(1, [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ])
// empty :: () -> Pair Sum String
const empty =
() => Pair(Sum.empty(), '')
// seqArray :: Traversable t => t [ a ] -> [ t a ]
const seqArray =
// toUpper :: String -> String
const toUpper =
x => x.toUpperCase()
// combine :: [ Pair Number String ] -> Pair Sum String
const combine = mapReduce(
bimap(Sum, toUpper),
// flow :: Pair Number [ String ] -> Pair Sum String
const flow =
compose(combine, seqArray)
//=> [ Pair(1, "a"), Pair(1, "b"), Pair(1, "c") ]
//=> Pair(Sum 3, "ABC")
Apply f => Pair a b ~> ((d -> f d), (b -> f c)) -> f (Pair a c)
Applicative f => Pair a b ~> (TypeRep f, (b -> f c)) -> f (Pair a c)
Used to apply the "effect" of an Apply
to a value in the second position of a Pair
, traverse
combines both the "effects" of the Apply
and the Pair
by returning a new instance of the Apply
, wrapping the result of the Apply
s "effect" on the value in the second position of the Pair
The traverse
method requires either an Applicative TypeRep
or an Apply
returning function as its first argument and a function that is used to apply the "effect" of the target Apply
to the value in the second position of the Pair
. The "effect" will only be applied to second value and leaves the first value untouched. Both arguments must return an instance of the target Apply
import Maybe from 'crocks/Maybe'
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
import identity from 'crocks/combinators/identity'
import safe from 'crocks/Maybe/safe'
import traverse from 'crocks/pointfree/traverse'
const { Just, Nothing } = Maybe
// isOdd :: Integer -> Boolean
const isOdd =
x => !!(x % 2)
// safeOdd :: Traversable t => t Integer -> Maybe (t Integer)
const safeOdd =
traverse(Maybe, safe(isOdd))
// seqMaybe :: Traversable t => t (Maybe a) -> Maybe (t a)
const seqMaybe =
traverse(Maybe.of, identity)
// odd :: Pair [ Number ] Integer
const odd =
Pair([ 10 ], 23)
// even :: Pair String Integer
const even =
Pair('nope', 42)
//=> Just Pair( [ 10 ], 23 )
//=> Nothing
seqMaybe(Pair(true, Just('good')))
//=> Just Pair( true, "good" )
seqMaybe(Pair(false, Nothing()))
//=> Nothing
Pair a b ~> (Pair a b -> c) -> Pair a c
Used map the second position of a given Pair
instance by taking the entire Pair
into consideration. extend
takes a function the receives a Pair
as its input and returns a new Pair
with the result of that function in the second position, while leaving the value in the first position untouched.
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
import extend from 'crocks/pointfree/extend'
import merge from 'crocks/pointfree/merge'
import objOf from 'crocks/helpers/objOf'
// name :: Pair String String
const name =
Pair('name', 'Thomas')
// mergeObj :: Pair String a -> Object
const mergeObj =
// makeObj :: Pair String a -> Pair String Object
const makeObj =
//=> Pair("name", { name: "Thomas" })
Pair a b ~> ((a -> c), (b -> d)) -> Pair d c
Used to map the value of a Pair
s first position into the second position and the second position into the first, swap
takes two functions as its arguments. The first function is used to map the value in the first position to the second, while the second maps the second into the first. If no mapping is required on either side, then identity
functions can be used in one or both arguments.
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
import identity from 'crocks/combinators/identity'
import swap from 'crocks/pointfree/swap'
// toString :: a -> String
const toString =
x => x.toString()
// swapMap :: Pair a String -> Pair Number String
const swapMap =
swap(toString, parseInt)
// m :: Pair Number String
const m =
Pair(76, '105')
m.swap(identity, identity)
//=> Pair("105", 76)
//=> Pair(105, "76")
Pair a b ~> () -> a
is one of two projection methods used to extract the values contained in a given Pair
instance. fst
takes nothing as its input and will unwrap and provide the value in the first position, throwing away the value in the second.snd
is the other projection function provided and is used to extract the value in the second position.
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
Pair('left', 'right')
//=> "left"
Pair a b ~> () -> b
is one of two projection methods used to extract the values contained in a given Pair
instance. snd
takes nothing as its input and will unwrap and provide the value in the second position, throwing away the value in the first.fst
is the other projection function provided and is used to extract the value in the first position.
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
Pair('left', 'right')
//=> "right"
Pair a b ~> () -> [ a, b ]
While both fst
and snd
can be used to extract specific values out of the structure of Pair
, toArray
extracts values but maintains the structure. Taking nothing as its input, toArray
will return an Array
of two values. The first value in the Pair
will occupy the [0] index, while the [1] index will house the second.
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
// toArray :: Pair a b -> [ a, b ]
const toArray =
x => x.toArray()
// toObject :: [ a, b ] -> Object
const toObject =
([ left, right ]) => ({ left, right })
// pairToObject :: Pair a b -> Object
const pairToObject =
compose(toObject, toArray)
// m :: Pair String Number
const m =
Pair('a', 1)
//=> [ 'a', 1 ]
//=> { left: 'a', right: 1 }
Pair a b ~> ((a, b) -> c) -> c
Acting as a means to fold a given Pair
over a binary operation, merge
takes a binary function as its sole argument. Using the function, merge
will unwrap each of its values and apply them to the function in order from first to second. The result of the provided function is then provided as the overall result for merge
This method comes in handy when using a Pair
as a means to run parallel computations and combine their results into a final answer. Typically this method works hand in hand with the either the branch
or [fanout
][fanout] helper functions.
import Sum from 'crocks/Sum'
import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
import fanout from 'crocks/Pair/fanout'
import merge from 'crocks/pointfree/merge'
import mreduce from 'crocks/helpers/mreduce'
// length :: [ a ] -> Integer
const length =
x => x.length
// divide :: (Number, Number) -> Number
const divide =
(x, y) => x / y
// average :: [ Number ] -> Number
const average = compose(
fanout(mreduce(Sum), length)
// nums :: [ Number ]
const nums =
[ 23, 96, 90, 4, 21 ]
// 46.8
branch :: a -> Pair a a
Typically the starting point for handling parallel computations on a single value, branch
takes a single value of any type as its only argument. branch
then returns a Pair
with the reference or value in both the first and second positions.
Using branch
can simplify how computations that depend on the same value are constructed and encoded by removing the need to keep the original value in some state that needs to be passed from function to function.
import assign from 'crocks/helpers/assign'
import bimap from 'crocks/pointfree/bimap'
import branch from 'crocks/Pair/branch'
import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
import curry from 'crocks/helpers/curry'
import objOf from 'crocks/helpers/objOf'
import merge from 'crocks/pointfree/merge'
// add10 :: Number -> Number
const add10 =
x => x + 10
// applyChange :: (a -> b) -> a -> Object
const applyChange = fn =>
compose(objOf('current'), fn)
// createUndo :: (a -> b) -> a -> Object
const createUndo = curry(fn =>
bimap(objOf('orig'), applyChange(fn)),
// applyAdd10 :: Number -> Object
const applyAdd10 =
// { current: 15, orig: 5 }
fanout :: (a -> b) -> (a -> c) -> (a -> Pair b c)
fanout :: Arrow a b -> Arrow a c -> Arrow a (Pair b c)
fanout :: Monad m => Star a (m b) -> Star a (m c) -> Star a (m (Pair b c))
There are may times that you need to keep some running or persistent state while performing a given computation. A common way to do this is to take the input to the computation and branch it into a Pair
and perform different operations on each version of the input. This is such a common pattern that it warrants the fanout
function to take care of the initial split and mapping. Just provide a pair of either simple functions or a pair of one of the computation types (Arrow
or Star
). You will get back something of the same type that is configured to split it's input into a pair and than apply the first Function/ADT to the first portion of the underlying Pair
and the second on the second.
import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
import fanout from 'crocks/Pair/fanout'
import getProp from 'crocks/Maybe/getProp'
import liftA2 from 'crocks/helpers/liftA2'
import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
import Maybe from 'crocks/Maybe'
import merge from 'crocks/Pair/merge'
import sequence from 'crocks/pointfree/sequence'
// Person :: { first: String, last: String }
// people :: [Person]
const people = [
{ first: 'Ziggy', last: 'Stardust' },
{ first: 'Lizard', last: 'King' }
// concat :: String -> String -> String
const concat = a => b => `${a} ${b}`
// join :: String -> [a] -> String
const join = sep => arr => arr.join(sep)
// getName :: Person -> String
const getName = compose(
fanout(getProp('first'), getProp('last'))
// getPersons :: [Person] -> String
const getPersons = compose(
map(join(', ')),
//=> Just "Ziggy Stardust, Lizard King"
toPairs :: Object -> List (Pair String a)
When dealing with Object
s, sometimes it makes more sense to work in a Foldable
structure like a List
of key-value Pair
s. toPairs
provides a means to take an object and give you back a List
of Pairs
that have a String
that represents the key in the fst
and the value for that key in the snd
. The primitive values are copied, while non-primitive values are references. Like most of the Object
functions in crocks
, any keys with undefined
values will be omitted from the result. crocks
provides an inverse to this function named fromPairs
import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
import merge from 'crocks/pointfree/merge'
import toPairs from 'crocks/Pair/toPairs'
// record :: Object
const record = {
firstName: 'Joey',
lastName: 'Fella',
age: 34
// joinField :: (String, a) -> String
const joinField = (key, value) =>
// joinRecord :: List String -> String
const joinRecord = list =>
// buildRecord :: Object -> String
const buildRecord = compose(
//=> "firstName:Joey|lastName:Fella|age:34"
fst :: Pair a b -> a
The fst
pointfree function is used extract the leftmost value of a Pair
by invoking the fst
method on a given instance, returning the result.fst
takes a Pair
as its only argument and returns the value wrapped in the leftmost portion of the provided Pair
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
import flip from 'crocks/combinators/flip'
import fst from 'crocks/Pair/fst'
import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
import merge from 'crocks/pointfree/merge'
import snd from 'crocks/Pair/snd'
// lte :: (Number, Number) -> Boolean
const lte =
(y, x) => x <= y
// min :: Pair Number Number -> Number
const min = ifElse(
min(Pair(1, 2))
//=> 1
min(Pair(45, 22))
//=> 22
min(Pair(100, 100))
//=> 100
snd :: Pair a b -> b
The snd
pointfree function is used extract the rightmost value of a Pair
by invoking the snd
method on a given instance, returning the result.snd
takes a Pair
as its only argument and returns the value wrapped in the rightmost portion of the provided Pair
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
import Unit from 'crocks/Unit'
import chain from 'crocks/pointfree/chain'
import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
import snd from 'crocks/Pair/snd'
// Box :: a -> Pair () a
const Box =
x => Pair(Unit(), x)
// unbox :: Pair a b -> b
const unbox =
// add :: Number -> Number -> Number
const add =
x => y => x + y
// doubleBoxed :: Number -> Pair () Number
const doubleBoxed =
m => Box(m * 2)
// flow :: Number -> Number
const flow = compose(
//=> 40
writerToPair :: Monoid m => Writer m a -> Pair m a
writerToPair :: Monoid m => (a -> Writer m b) -> a -> Pair m b
Used to transform a Writer
instance to a Pair
instance or flatten a Pair
of Writer
into an Pair
when chained, writerToPair
will take a given Writer
and provide a new Pair
with the log
portion of the Writer
in the first position and the resultant
in the second.
Like all crocks
transformation functions, writerToPair
has two possible signatures and will behave differently when passed either a Writer
instance or a function that returns an instance of Writer
. When passed the instance, a Pair
instance is returned. When passed a Writer
returning function, a function will be returned that takes a given value and returns an Pair
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
import Sum from 'crocks/Sum'
import Writer from 'crocks/Writer'
import fanout from 'crocks/helpers/fanout'
import writerToPair from 'crocks/Pair/writerToPair'
// SumWriter :: Writer Sum a
const SumWriter =
// appendItem :: a -> [ a ] -> SumWriter [ a ]
const appendItem = item => xs =>
SumWriter(1, xs.concat([ item ]))
SumWriter(0, [])
//=> Writer (Sum 3) [ "one", "two", "three" ]
writerToPair(SumWriter(2, 'result'))
//=> Pair(Sum 2, 'result')
Pair(Sum.empty(), [])
//=> Pair(Sum 3, [ "one", "two", "three"])
fanout(Sum, x => appendItem(x)([ x ]), 1)
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